jueves, 2 de agosto de 2012


Sometime, somewhere, you will have had the feeling that something wonderful, exciting or beautiful, you had around you did not know how to explain it with words and yet, you had the need to express, to communicate it to others ... and it is also likely to have thought it wise not speak well enough to tell ... But that probably ever happened to you, they also happened to the first men who inhabited the planet for thousands of years, when they used rudimentary guttural languages.

Cueva de AltamiraCueva de Altamira   Cuevas de Altamira.                     

They soon discovered that the communication of an idea they could do it instantly with your voice or perpetuate it forever with a sign that represented the same idea, but if you pretended to communicate was something less abstract than an idea, that is, something referred to forms or concrete objects sensed that the representation (meaning of representation is sign or image replaces reality.) itself in this way was the best way to communicate the emotion that she would have produced.

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