The Seven Tribes Magyars reach the Pannonian plain (and the Romans called the country of Hungary) in the year 895. From this time the seven Tribes form a confederation (Hétmagyar-the seven Magyar). Sacralized by a Blood Pact between their heads involving eternal loyalty to their leader or boss.
The first Prince was Álmos (819-895),
father of Grand Prince Árpád, Hungarians who brought to Europe from Asia in the late ninth century.

Prince Álmos.
The Blood Pact (in Hungarian Vérszerzödés), according to the Hungarian tradition, is the first treaty conducted. According to the Hungarian chronicles, was the son of
Prince Álmos Ügyek, Prince of Hungary (? -854) And his wife Emese. Hungarian tradition states that Álmos was elected supreme leader of the Hungarians after the oath sworn by his people at the end of the ninth century and is known as
The Blood Pact.
Some authors of medieval told that the pact was concluded in the region of Etelköz (even outside Europe) where Hungarians who had a lifestyle semi-nomadic wandering from Asia decided to choose a paramount chief among them.
The Seven Tribes Hungarian (nyek, Megyer, Kürtgyarmat, Tarjan, Jeno, Ker, Keszi) conducted by
the seven heads Álmos, Elöd, Kond, Tas, Huba, Töhötöm and Ond, a container filled with their own blood, symbolically mixing signal fraternal bonding and choosing the first of these leaders as their supreme commander.

The seven tribes magyars.
Hungarian oaths Formerly (prior to Christianization in 1000) is used to publicly endorse a blood pact. The exact content of the treaty is only specified in detail later medieval chronicles.
Álmos Magyars ruled between
858 and 895, and across Eurasia led to the Carpathian Mountains, where at the Transylvania region would have held a pagan religious ceremony. According to Hungarian tradition, they have volunteered and he would delegate power to
his son Árpád, the Hungarians who would lead
the Pannonian Basin territories in the

Pannonian Basin. (Hungary)
According to legend,
Álmos have been born after
the Turul (meaning a hawk or eagle in Turkish), the mythical bird of pre-Christian Hungarians, he had appeared to Emese, mother of Prince, and would have predicted great success future to him and his descendants.
The Turul was the messenger between gods and men, the guardian of order and balance in the universe.

Emese and Turul (treasure in Hungary).
Ügyek After the death of his son
Álmos (meaning that Hungarian-sleep) occupied the throne of the principality Hungarian, about the year 854. This prince would lead to the Hungarians into Eastern Europe, and his son
Árpád became the Grand Prince Hungarian founder of
the dynasty of the Árpáds, which belonged to
St. Stephen I of Hungary. They ruled as Grand Prince (997-1000) and later as king of Hungary (1000-1038).
The King Saint Stephen was the first monarch sanctified Christian virtues and not die as a martyr.
Cristianizador of Hungarians and patron saint.
St. Stephen I of Hungary.